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Aha! Develop | When to use imports over importers

Imports and importer extensions both pull work into your Aha! Develop account. Though the names are similar, they have distinct uses.

You can create your own importer extension with your tool of choice by following these steps.

Importer extension contributions


Import amount

One record at a time

Many records at once

Record creation

Creates a copy of the original record in your Aha! Develop account. There is no link to the original record.

Creates new records in your Aha! Develop account. There is no link to the original records.

Use case

  • Pull individual Zendesk tickets that have been escalated to a development team into your workflow board.

  • Pull user stories from a development tool like Jira, GitHub, Rally, or Trello into a sprint while you are trialing Aha! Develop.

  • Move an entire backlog into your Aha! Develop team.

  • Invite an entire development team to your Aha! Develop account at once.


  • Jira

  • GitHub

  • Rally

  • Trello

  • Zendesk

  • CSV

  • Trello

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