August 11, 2023 release notes
New to Aha! Roadmaps
Gantt charts in Aha! Roadmaps have a fresh new look — including updated styling, new progress indicators, and enhanced dependency visualizations.

See what else is new:
All Aha! accounts
When using a whiteboard, you can now scale a frame down to fits its contents.
Enterprise+ customers can now automatically logout users after 15 minutes of inactivity. You can configure automatic logout in your Security and single sign-on settings.
Aha! Roadmaps
You can now add custom fields to release phases. To add a custom field, click the More options menu within a release phase and select Add custom field.
When setting up an integration with Zendesk, you can now select an ideas portal to use for the integration.
If you are already using an integration with Zendesk, we recommend that you update your configuration and select an ideas portal. This will ensure that ideas and votes coming from Zendesk are created in the portal (and connected workspaces) that you intend them to. If you do not select a portal, Zendesk will continue to choose a portal for you.