- Introduction to idea management
- Ideas overview page
- Idea visibility
- Ideas prioritization page
- Priorities chart
- Manage submitted ideas
- Portal notification emails
- Emailed ideas
- Proxy votes (Advanced plan)
- Segments (Advanced plan)
- Organizations (Advanced plan)
- Contacts (Advanced plan)
- AI-powered idea exploration (Advanced plan)
- Salesforce opportunity report (Advanced plan)
- Analyze ideas with AI (Advanced plan)
- Introduction to ideas portals
- Configure your ideas portal
- Advanced custom portal design
- Manage ideas portal users
- Import users and data
- Public ideas portal
- Private ideas portal
- Submit-only ideas portal
- Portal comments
- Ideas portal weekly summary email
- Display multiple languages in your portal (Advanced plan)
- Create a custom ideas portal domain (Advanced plan)
- Custom pages (Advanced plan)
- Polls (Advanced plan)
- Manage portal spam
- Schedule an empathy session (Advanced plan)
- Prepare an empathy session (Advanced plan)
- Run an empathy session (Advanced plan)
- Introduction to the community feedback widget (Advanced plan)
- Introduction to the polls widget (Advanced plan)
- Introduction to the in-app idea submission widget (Advanced plan)
- Install in-app feedback widgets in your web application (Advanced plan)
- Frequently asked questions about in-app feedback widgets (Advanced plan)
- Documents
- Share documents
- Guest access
- Template library
- Notes
- AI writing assistant
- Meetings
- Introduction to whiteboards
- Add and edit whiteboard content
- Advanced whiteboard shapes
- Add media to whiteboards
- The whiteboard toolbar
- Collaborate on whiteboards
- Convert whiteboard content to ideas
- View Aha! records on whiteboards
- Create a whiteboard presentation