
November 11, 2022 release notes

New to all Aha! applications

You can now share a link to a personal whiteboard with anyone — so you can work together in real time. Create and share personal whiteboards from your My work page.

Share personal whiteboards in Aha! software


  • Aha! Develop customers on the Advanced plan can now use the new Value delivered and Work delivered reports to see what has recently shipped — so you can gain a deeper understanding of your team's impact.

  • Aha! users with Viewer permissions can now use pan and zoom to navigate whiteboards.

  • You can now add additional filters for unranked records on the Prioritization pages for ideas and features.


  • We have repaired an issue that was causing the login popup for public ideas portals to appear off-center on mobile.

Suite overview
Aha! Roadmaps