
November 18, 2022 release notes

New to Aha! Develop

You can now report on value delivered over time in Aha! Develop — highlighting the positive impact of your team on customers and the business.

The value delivered report in Aha! Develop


All Aha! products

  • The Aha! text editor now supports Mac keyboard special character shortcuts. Press and hold a key on your Mac keyboard to see a list of special character options associated with that key.

  • You can now adjust a record's drawer view. Drag a record's drawer out to see more of the record — without losing context on the page behind it.

  • Recipients of shared personal notes and whiteboards can see who else has access to the shared document.


  • You can now adjust estimate values in the Aha! REST API. initial_estimate and initial_estimate_text affect Initial estimates and original_estimate affects Detailed estimates.

  • You can now attribute an idea's comment to an ideas portal user with portal_user and to an Aha! account user with user.

Aha! Roadmaps

  • On the record prioritization page, you can now edit a record's Status and Assignee in-line.

  • You can now choose which estimate the team capacity report should use — Initial only, Detailed only, or Best, which prioritizes the Detailed estimate if both estimates exist on a record.

Aha! Create

Aha! Develop

  • We have completed multiple improvements to SAFe program increments in Aha! Develop:

    • You can now filter reports by standard program increment fields

    • You can now add the program increment field to card layouts

    • When records are added to or removed from a program increment (or when a program increment's effort estimation changes), that now triggers a record event. You can report on record events in the value delivered and work delivered reports.

    • If a record has been added to a program increment and you are ready to add it to a sprint, Aha! Develop now suggests sprints in that program increment.


Suite overview
Aha! Roadmaps