Is The Aha! Framework right for you? Use this new checklist.
Imagine what your product team could achieve by removing unnecessary overhead and focusing on what is most essential. Follow these 10 steps to adopt The Aha! Framework.
Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!
Imagine what your product team could achieve by removing unnecessary overhead and focusing on what is most essential. Follow these 10 steps to adopt The Aha! Framework.
Agile methodologies and product development frameworks help people make informed decisions and collaborate efficiently. But process pedantry never leads to anything good. You want…
Asking and answering questions is core to a product manager's job. Explain the 'why,' create an internal knowledge base, and encourage teammates to self-serve.
Blaming remote work for a company’s productivity is obfuscation. Mismanagement, unclear goals, no transparency into work, lack of urgency — these are the real culprits.
The Aha! Framework is a flexible model for improving efficiency and increasing value delivered to customers. It seamlessly integrates strategic planning and agile…
Leaders create an environment that fosters continual improvement when they: 1. Hire for achievement. 2. Invest in training. 3. Keep raising the standard.
What is the best way to tell your boss or teammate that you do not know the answer to something? It starts with being honest.
We all must do what we do not enjoy at times. Writing, data analysis, conflict — you cannot avoid the gristly parts of work. Here is how to embrace them.
Bad companies are filled with good people, and leaders have a moral responsibility to model better behavior and discipline. Here is why.
Product-led companies have their own unique operating systems for innovation. Here are 6 tips for product managers wanting to build a great one.
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