Guided template library

Kickstart your creativity

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Get going fast with templates

Explore more than 100 templates — created by experts — that cover every aspect of product development

Get a head start with a rich library of beautiful templates
Capture information consistently using a predefined format
Create and share your own note and whiteboard templates across teams
Template — showcase expertise

Showcase your expertise

Access a playbook full of product management advice that will help you shine. Each template is handcrafted by Aha! experts who have years of experience helping teams build lovable software. Refer to our best practices and prefilled examples so you can do your best work.

Template — New find the right fit

Find the right fit

Open the template library to explore your options. Search by keyword or browse categories based on stages in the product development process — such as strategy, research, ideation, or planning. See a preview or start using the template immediately.

Do beautiful work

Skillfully articulate your ideas and concepts so everyone understands the direction. Stunning designs and fresh colors help you quickly showcase your thinking. Adjust each template to match your needs and then get to work filling in the details.

Template — Custom note template

Create custom templates

Craft your own note and whiteboard templates. Format documents exactly the way you want, save them to your template library, and make them available to the team. Need help perfecting your template? Contact us! Our design team is here to help.