Is Your Office Infested With Sharks?
Have you seen the movie? Doooo-doo. Doooo-doo. The first notes of the Jaws theme song are instantly recognizable. Whether or not you have seen the film, the music…
Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!
Have you seen the movie? Doooo-doo. Doooo-doo. The first notes of the Jaws theme song are instantly recognizable. Whether or not you have seen the film, the music…
Being a product marketing manager is not easy. I know this because I was one early in my career. It is hard and important work. You need to communicate the value of the…
Companies are most successful when product managers and product marketing managers have a strong working relationship. Find out the key differences between these 2 roles.
It is a paradox every company founder wants to have — growing super fast without losing who you are and what makes the team special.