A New Approach Called the Waif Startup
Can you ever be lean enough? Follow these 5 basic principles of the Waif Startup — a tongue-in-cheek approach to taking the Lean Startup methodology even farther.
You deserve to be happy at work. Let us help by providing tips on everything from resumes and feedback to achieving long-term career success.
Can you ever be lean enough? Follow these 5 basic principles of the Waif Startup — a tongue-in-cheek approach to taking the Lean Startup methodology even farther.
Everyone I know in technology picks up jargon and funky talk as a way of fitting in or standing out in the office. Sometimes the ‘MBA speak’ is used to obfuscate what is…
Efficient requirements management takes skill even in single product / single target market companies, but in more complex organizations it takes real expertise.
So you are the sales god — savior of the business — and the go-to-guy when that deal must get closed to save the quarter. You can sniff a wanting customer through your…
Kanban was designed for assembly line production, not software development. Learn how to spare your engineers and stop the Kanban insanity.