Founder's paradox

In this series, we challenge concepts that may seem contradictory. Healthy organizations thrive by examining conventional thinking and delving deeper.

Collection50 articles
How To Be Transparent and Withhold Information
June 27, 2022

How To Be Transparent and Withhold Information

The larger a company grows, the more leaders have to think about how and what they say. Too much transparency can create confusion. Too little transparency can create distrust.…

The Damage of FOMO to Your Success
May 9, 2022

The Damage of FOMO to Your Success

The fear of missing out is very real for many startup leaders. You become hypersensitive to what might happen if you are not involved in a project or trade show or invitation to…

November 30, 2021
How To Do Work That You Really Do Not Want To

To-dos will always be there waiting. Before you dismiss something as humdrum, look again. Here are four ways to harness your intrinsic motivation to get work done.

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