Aha! updates

We are a very different type of software company. Discover our newest product enhancements and explore behind-the-scenes company stories.

My Name Is John Bohn — This Is Why I Joined Aha!
October 31, 2016
My Name Is John Bohn — This Is Why I Joined Aha!

I love discovering new things. As a kid, I taught myself to program text-based adventure games on a TI-99/4A in BASIC. They were simple clones of games I enjoyed, such as…

Just Launched! — Two-Way Rally Integration Now Supports Feature Tags
October 26, 2016
Just Launched! — Two-Way Rally Integration Now Supports Feature Tags

One of my favorite playground games was “tag.” I can remember the thrill of the madness. The joy of being the last one running. You missed me.

Aha! Acquires Roadmap.com and Launches Community for Product Managers
October 19, 2016
Aha! Acquires Roadmap.com and Launches Community for Product Managers

In 2016 Aha! acquired Roadmap.com and launched an online community for product managers.

Just Launched! — Account Level Custom Fields
October 17, 2016
Just Launched! — Account Level Custom Fields

Iteration is a concept product managers know well. We all look at our products and constantly think about what we could add or change to make them work better. And often…

Just Launched! — Craft User Stories With No Distractions
October 12, 2016
Just Launched! — Craft User Stories With No Distractions

One of the most important things I did as a product manager was to write user stories. It was my opportunity to take all the research, all the customer conversations, all…

Just Launched! — Three New Administrator Roles
October 6, 2016
Just Launched! — Three New Administrator Roles

Administrators play an important role in making the use of any application a success. That is because they are the ones who customize it in a way that meets the team’s…

Just Launched! — Reduce Roadmap Risk by Mapping Dependencies
September 28, 2016
Just Launched! — Reduce Roadmap Risk by Mapping Dependencies

When I was a kid I used to have nightmares about walking into geometry class only to discover there was a test I had completely forgotten about. Once I became a product…

My Name Is Dave Rapin — This Is Why I Joined Aha!
September 23, 2016
My Name Is Dave Rapin — This Is Why I Joined Aha!

Dave believes that Aha! is making a real difference in how companies innovate. Find out more about Dave Rapin and why he joined Aha!