Aha! Blog

How Smart Employees Trick Their Boss
April 1, 2015
How Smart Employees Trick Their Boss

On Monday, I wrote about How Deceptive Leaders Hurt Employees. I explained that during times of stress, telling someone to “Just relax” insults them. It’s shallow and…

Securely Share Your Visual Product Roadmap
April 1, 2015
Securely Share Your Visual Product Roadmap

Did someone ask you for your product roadmap today? Or request a delivery date for that game-changing new feature? Sharing your product roadmap with internal colleagues…

The One Lie Deceptive Leaders Tell
March 30, 2015
The One Lie Deceptive Leaders Tell

I have been to two funerals in the last month. Sarah, my sister-in-law, passed away at 40, leaving my brother and his two kids to keep going without her. And I just…

When Your Boss Throws You Under the Bus
March 26, 2015
When Your Boss Throws You Under the Bus

On Tuesday, I wrote about How Smart Managers Throw Employees Under the Bus. The title surprised many of my friends and colleagues. They thought I was actually…

How Smart Managers Throw Employees Under the Bus
March 24, 2015
How Smart Managers Throw Employees Under the Bus

Your co-worker just made another terrible mistake. And you are going to suffer because of it. You both look bad now, and you are tired of being frowned upon for his…