Aha! Develop + GitHub Actions

Get immediate insight into build status

Manage your engineering workflow in Aha! Develop. Then, keep build status at your fingertips by connecting Aha! Develop with GitHub Actions. Get visibility into the latest runs without leaving Develop. Quickly understand if a user story is deployed, ready to deploy, or in need of some extra attention.

GitHub Actions extension screenshot

Get insight into build status

To get started, install and configure the GitHub Actions extension. Then include the Aha! reference number in your branch name or commit message. This way, when you kick off a new build in GitHub Actions, the details are automatically visible in Aha! Develop. You can see the status without switching tools. And if something goes wrong, simply click the linked build to jump directly into the logs.

Automate status updates

Automatically update the status of a feature in Aha! Develop when an event happens in GitHub Actions — such as when a build passes and code has shipped. Keep cross-functional teammates informed on build status without manual status updates.

Do more with Aha! Develop + GitHub

When you use GitHub along with GitHub Actions, you can get complete visibility into code progress from PR to deploy. Add the GitHub extension to see the status of branches and pull requests right in Aha! Develop. Read more —>