10 Things to Do at a Startup Every Friday
I’m a closer. I am a goals-first guy and I generate lists that help me do my best. But I am also a guy who will run through walls to get the list done to get to the goal. And typically that pays off. But I have had to learn over the years to try not to run over people on my way to the flag. Now I try to break through and bring others with me.
If you are like me and accomplishment is everything, you love Fridays. Fridays are for closers. Time is running out and there is important work to be done. It is time to finish what you started.
While Friday may seem like a warm-up for the weekend, I suggest that you treat it with a sense of urgency. And give it a little respect please, as it represents 20 percent of the typical workweek. It is the last chance for many of us to have a real impact before the weekend and the new week wash over us.
I love being the CEO of Aha! and every day brings significant personal and company growth. But you do not need to be ecstatic about what you are doing to work hard on Fridays and close out the week strong. You set a plan on Mondays, cross off the tasks Tuesday through Thursday, and clean up the leftovers on Friday. While others are easing into the weekend, you are easing closer to your dream job.
I have not shared my own approach to ending the work week until now. But it all starts with the right mindset. If you push through the madness of the week and the fact that you are likely tired, there is no other day like Friday. And hard work on Fridays is for champions.
Here are the 10 things that I try to do every Friday. It is not always possible to get through everything on Friday, because some projects straddle weeks and months. But this approach has worked well for me over the years.
Exercise early Friday morning (it is tough but it gives me a needed shot of adrenaline).
Quickly look back at what I have already accomplished during the week.
#1 and #2 give me positive energy that I then share with others who are worn out.
Finish what is left on my to-do list.
Send colleagues any final bits that they need to get their Friday work done.
Have a team meeting to celebrate what each person completed and plan for the next week.
Check in with the team to see what they have planned for the weekend.
Start to organize my to-do list for the next week.
Confirm the one fun thing that I am going to do the upcoming weekend.
Smile because I added real value for another week.
Each person has a unique approach to work, but generally you need a plan to be great. I use the list above to be my best and suggest that the general framework will benefit you too, regardless of your experience or role.
Even when it has been a particularly challenging week and I am ready to hit the reset button, these 10 actions keep me focused on making the most of the time that is left. They have a way of helping me squeeze out a final few wins on Friday every week. And those extra small victories pile up over time.
Do you have any tricks for Fridays?