
August 30, 2024 release notes

New to Aha! Roadmaps

You can now add milestones to your custom roadmap to highlight key dates.

A custom roadmap with milestones

New to Aha! Whiteboards

Aha! Whiteboards Advanced plan subscribers can now convert text-based whiteboard objects directly into Jira issues. This helps you quickly route technical work items to the right development team for implementation.

An image showing someone converting a sticky note to a Jira issue from an Aha! whiteboard

See what else is new:

Aha! Roadmaps



Aha! Ideas


  • You can now report on ideas portal settings and workspaces. This is a great way for administrators with multiple ideas portals to audit their portal configurations and activity.

    A list report with the report builder open, with many ideas portal settings selected for the report


Aha! Whiteboards


  • Text is now left-aligned by default on text-based whiteboard shapes.

  • We replaced the Emoji stamp tool in the Whiteboard toolbar with Stickers, including Aha! mascots Fred and Elle!

    A whiteboard with the stickers menu open, showing multiple face stickers


Aha! Develop


  • We improved the status focus on features for teams using Aha! Develop with Aha! Roadmaps. The new Hide status option will change the status you see on a feature, depending on where you view it:

    • When viewing a feature from Aha! Roadmaps, you can now hide the Aha! Develop Status field so only your workspace status displays. Hiding it will not hide the Team it is assigned to.

    • When viewing a feature from Aha! Develop, you can now hide the Aha! Roadmaps Status field so only your team status displays. Hiding the status will not hide release details.

      A feature in Aha! Develop with the Hide status button highlighted by the Roadmaps Workspace info
