This article is part of a series of settings overview articles:
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Aha! Roadmaps | Account billing settings
Account-level settings affect your entire Aha! account, including all workspaces in your workspace hierarchy and all users.
This article will explain each account setting in the Billing section. You need to be an administrator with billing user permissions to access this section of the account settings.
Open your account settings by clicking on Settings ⚙️ Account. Click any of the links below to skip ahead.
Current plans
If you have a paid account, navigate to Billing Current plans to review and adjust the financial aspects of your plan, such as Aha! products you have enabled in your account, your plan type for each product, paid seat group allocations, and invoices.
Plans and Individual add-ons
The Plans and Individual add-ons sections give you a snapshot of your Aha! account subscription, for each Aha! product you have enabled in your account. For each Aha! product, you can see a breakdown of the number of seats you have paid for and allocated — and how many are active. To adjust your settings, you can Adjust paid seat count, Change your plan, or Cancel your plan.
You can also combine Aha! products into one account with add-on plans.
Aha! Ideas Advanced brings greater customers insights into your strategic planning process by expanding your feedback channels.
Aha! Knowledge Advanced brings colleagues into your workspace documents so they can view, edit, and create notes and whiteboards — without the need to make them full Aha! Roadmaps users.
Aha! Whiteboards Advanced is the visual space for product innovation. It provides features to help you define user flows, create mockups, and collaborate on roadmaps.
Aha! Develop Advanced brings your development team into your Aha! account, with their unique workflows, dedicated workspace, and shared Aha! records — so that you can create a unified product development environment, no field mapping required.
The Billing section is your billing profile. From here, you can adjust your Billing email where we will send your Aha! invoices or update your credit card information.
Paid seat groups
Paid seat groups, available for Enterprise+ customers, are an optional way to organize users in your account. If you are an administrator for a large account, you can use paid seat groups to ensure that no one group uses the seats that another group paid for.
Create a paid seat group, designate an owner, and set a maximum number of seats allowed in that group.
Depending on your plan type, account owners can always add reviewers or viewers. They will just need to talk to an account administrator if they max out the number of paid seats available to their group.
Restrict user management
The Restrict user management setting provides an extra layer of control over your account. Check the box to limit who can assign unallocated seats in your account to administrators with billing permissions and workspace owners assigned to a paid seat group.
When checked, the Restrict owners checkbox will keep owners who are not administrators or paid seat group owners from adding paid seats to your account. Click Update to save your changes.
Once you receive your first Aha! invoice, the Invoices section will start to populate.
You can see the most recent invoices sorted by date here. Click View PDF to download a PDF of a given invoice.
Billing Users shows you a list of all users in your account — with sortable columns, filter dropdowns, and a search bar to help you find the exact user or type of user you're looking for.
Click on any user's name to edit their information, permissions, or administrator type.

You can choose a navigation experience for Aha! Whiteboards Advanced and Aha! Knowledge Advanced users in your account when editing user permissions.
You can also Disable or Delete them.
Disabled users do not count as paid seats and can be reactivated later. Disabling a user does not remove records they have created, including comments, and their user information is retained indefinitely.
Deleted users are removed permanently from the list of users. Deleting a user does not remove records they have created, including comments, but you will no longer be able to create or filter reports based on the deleted user. Deleted users' user information is retained until they are deemed inactive.
Click the appropriate button to save your changes.
You can also edit your account users in bulk, the same way you would bulk edit records. Check one or more of the checkboxes besides your users, then click Bulk edit users to enable or disable those user(s), define whether they should receive Aha! account notifications, and select workspaces they have permissions to access. Click Apply to apply your changes.
You cannot bulk edit users' email address domains.
In the Permissions column, click any workspace or workspace line to navigate to that part of your account.
Click Manage billing at the top of the page to skip ahead to your account's Billing settings.
Custom roles (Enterprise+)
If you are an Enterprise+ user, you will see the Custom roles option next. Custom user roles allow you to create personalized, sophisticated roles for your users in your Aha! account who have access to either your account-level or workspace-level settings. You may need particular users to manage your integration with a developer tool, for example, or need to limit the users who can adjust workspace-level record terminology.
To create a new custom role, click Add account role or Add workspace role, then select the permission(s) you want users in that role to be able to access. Click Add role when you are done.
Back in Settings ⚙️ Account Users, edit (or bulk edit) users to add them to your custom user role.