November 17, 2017 release notes



  • When creating a “Predefined tags” custom field, it is possible to copy and paste in several tags via the bulk edit option. Duplicate entries supplied via bulk edit appeared as separate options, and it was impossible to delete the duplicates until after the custom field was created. Duplicates entered via bulk edit are now automatically consolidated.

  • Upon deleting a custom tag, users were redirected to the first page of the tags list.

  • Some elements were presented as hyperlinks in reports shared via the web version of a Notebook. Upon clicking these elements, users were presented with an Aha! login screen. This experience has been improved so that elements in a Notebook will only appear clickable to Aha! users.

  • Copied initiatives were not retaining attached goals.

  • When creating a custom roadmap, the "Compact bars" display option found in the "Customize View" settings has been improved so that release phases that do not overlap appear on the same line.

  • Some email notifications for feature updates incorrectly indicated the editor created the feature.

  • CSV import referred to master features as epics.

  • When placing or moving an idea on the ideas chart, ideas were not retaining their position on the chart.