Aha! Ideas | Note templates

Note templates bring consistent structure to your documentation. They help you capture the right information when you're planning customer research, managing ideation meetings, or even communicating with your customers. You can access your template library and instantly add a new template to personal or workspace notes.

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Create a new note from a template

Click Add from your workspace or personal notes. Then click Use a template to open the template library. Templates will be listed in alphabetically order, but you can use search if you are looking for something specific. Use the Categories listed on the left side of your template library to find templates to support a specific purpose. If you have created custom note templates in your workspace settings, you will find them in the Workspace category.

Click a template to see more details. From here, you can click Use template to add it instantly or Learn more to view detailed guidance and best practices on using it.


Add a template to an existing note

If you are already editing your note, you can add a note template to your existing draft. Click the More options menu in the text editor's toolbar and select Template to access the template library. Find the template you want to add and click Use template to add it wherever your cursor is in your draft.

Workspace owners and contributors can access the template library from a workspace. Any user can access the template library from their personal notes.


Create a new note template

If you are a workspace owner, you can also create custom note templates for your teams.

Shared note templates are customizable using the Aha! Ideas text editor, so you can add tables, images, videos, and even Aha! Ideas views. They can be inherited from a workspace line in order to drive consistency across teams and establish a standard approach for documentation.

  • To create a new note template, navigate to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Document templates. Then click Add document templates and click Note.

  • To create a note template from a note you are currently editing, select the More options menu in the upper right corner of the note and select Save as template. Then enter a name for the template and click Create template.

You can only create templates from workspace documents.

You can create notes templates that can be inherited from a workspace line in order to drive consistency across workspaces and establish a standard approach for documentation.

You can find all custom workspace note templates created in your account in the Workspace section of the Aha! template library.
