Aha! Develop | Create notes
You can create personal notes for your own use, or notes at the team level that everyone on your team can collaborate on and align around.
Click any of the following links to skip ahead:
Create a blank note
From the notes page for your team, click Add and select Note. The new note will appear.
Selecting Whiteboard from the create menu will create a whiteboard instead of a text note. Whiteboards are organized in your nested hierarchy alongside your notes.
Use the text editor to create your note and format it with headings, lists, tables, and inline media. You can also embed whiteboards and assign to-dos and watchers and start a discussion in the note's comments. Add a Date to a note to add it to Recent notes section of the My work page for everyone watching that note.
Add Tags to your notes below the date field. This is a flexible way to categorize your documents without using folders and enables you to search documents by tag. You can also add a custom field to your documents layout to track relevant information.
Report on your workspace documents and pull in valuable information from custom fields and tags you have added to your documents.
Create a note from a template
Click Add from your workspace or personal notes. Then click Use a template to open the template library. Templates will be listed in alphabetically order, but you can use search if you are looking for something specific. Use the Categories listed on the left side of your template library to find templates to support a specific purpose.
If you have created custom note templates in your workspace settings, you will find them in the Workspace category.
Click a template to see more details. From here, you can click Use template to add it instantly or Learn more to view detailed guidance and best practices on using it.
Create a copy of a note
You can create copy of any note. Right-click a note's title from the List view or click the More options button on an open note. Then select Copy note. A copy of the note will open and will appear below the the original note.
If your note has a date added, you can copy it to the following week. This is a great option for preparing agendas for recurring weekly meetings. To copy a note to the following week, click its More options menu and select Copy to next week. A copy of the new new note will open with next week's date configured.
Copy note Same date will create a duplicate of a note with the same date as the original note.