Aha! Roadmaps | Ideas portal users

Ideas portal users are free and unlimited in every Aha! Roadmaps billing plan, so you can invite or import as many contacts as you want. This guarantees that you can hear from anyone you would like feedback from. It also means that you will likely want to manage your portal users.

Each ideas portal you create has its own settings to help you manage users for that portal. You can invite, edit, and disable users, as well as follow links to ideas they have created, commented on, or voted on.

To manage users for an ideas portal, open your ideas portal settings by navigating to either Settings ⚙️ Account Ideas portals or Ideas Overview.

  • From your account settings, click the name of the ideas portal whose settings you wish to edit.

  • From Ideas Overview, click the Pencil icon by the name of the ideas portal whose settings you wish to edit.

You will need to be an administrator with customization permissions to manage ideas portal users.

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