January 13, 2023 release notes
Aha! Roadmaps, Aha! Ideas, and Aha! Develop
You can now search for personal notes and whiteboards by title in your Aha! account.
Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Ideas
You can now add two new templates to workspace notes:
Job interview template
Feature requirements template
Aha! Roadmaps
When you click the Present button in an Aha! presentation, the presentation will fill the browser window by default rather than going into full-screen mode.
It is now possible to include custom table fields associated with rolled up initiatives in lists, charts, and pivot reports.
Aha! Ideas
We have made improvements to idea import capabilities. When importing ideas and votes via CSV, you can now:
Add a vote and subscription for the idea creator.
Subscribe voters to ideas.
Reference ideas by name when importing votes.
Note: Subscribers will receive emails with idea updates. Disable email in your portal settings if you are not yet ready for emails to be sent to subscribers.
Aha! Roadmaps
We have removed the Detailed estimate field from feature records for workspaces that do not have capacity planning enabled.