January 29, 2016 release notes


  • Selecting options for all detail and drawer views across the application is now easier with new searchable drop-down menus. This includes drop-down menus for Users, Releases, Products, Initiatives, Statuses, Goal and Initiative rollups, and Custom Fields. This makes it easier to navigate through records with long lists which is becoming more commonplace as organizations expand their usage of Aha!

  • The Aha! integration with JIRA has been improved for Feature - Epic and Requirement - Story mappings. When using the Actions - Link with existing issue in JIRA option to link a Feature to an Epic, Stories in JIRA linked to the Epic will now automatically import into Aha! as Requirements for the Feature. This was already the behavior for other parent-child mappings such as Feature - Story and Requirement - Sub-task.


  • Users can now select which integration to use when doing an Import from JIRA when there are multiple JIRA project integrations created for the same Aha! product.