Aha! Ideas | Report on an idea's time in status
To build lovable products quickly, you must uncover potential stalling points. Reporting on time in status helps you track how much time an idea spends in each stage within your idea management workflow. You can use these insights to improve your process and deliver lovable products more efficiently.
Add time in status reporting fields to any list, pivot, or chart report.
You can add current status, status category, and workflow status fields to your reports:
The Time in current status field shows you the amount of time each idea in your report has been in its current status.
The Time in status category [status category] fields show you the amount of time each idea spent in a particular status category. If the record has moved in and out of a status category multiple times, all time spent in that status will be calculated together.
The Time in status [workflow status] fields show you the amount of time each idea spent in a specific workflow status. If the record has moved in and out of a workflow status multiple times, all time spent in that status will be calculated together.
Shipped and Will not do statuses are excluded from the Time in status category [status category] and Time in status [workflow status] reporting fields.
You can also filter a report by time in status fields. When you do, you can configure the time range you want to see in your report. This is great for identifying ideas in a Needs review status for a certain number of days or finding stalled features.